Terahertz Spectroscopy and Low Temperature Physics

Terahertz Spectroscopy and Low Temperature Physics research (http://kbfi.ee/thz) leader is Dr. Toomas Rõõm and current projects are as follows:

1. Sub-THz range polar Kerr spectroscopy of chiral superconductors, PRG736

Project duration: 01.01.20 – 31.12.24

Principal Investigator: Dr. Urmas Nagel

We propose the development of a new generation of spectroscopic instrumentation for the polar Kerr angle spectroscopy in the sub-THz frequency range that is comparable to the gap magnitude of many unconventional superconductors. Unconventional superconductivity is an active field of condensed matter research, where the theoretical models can be experimentally differentiated by the predictions they make for the symmetries of the superconducting order parameter. Interesting to us chiral superconductors possess non-trivial topological properties resulting in superconducting order parameters that may break time-reversal symmetry, and that can experimentally detected by measuring the polar Kerr angle. The samples will be cooled to about 0.1K.

Link to ETIS here.


2. Emerging orders in quantum and nanomaterials (EQUiTANT), Centre of Excellence TK134

Project duration: 01.08.15 – 31.08.23

Principal Investigator: Dr. Urmas Nagel

This CER aims to explore the new materials of various ferroic materials and their potential applications in a comprehensive way in collaboration of research groups from two universities and a research institute. Each group has PhD students who will benefit from the collaboration in the CER, by being able to set more advanced and complicated research targets, by gaining access to different experimental techniques, including large scale facilities like the European Magnet Lab or neutron facilities, but also making better use of the Estonian Magnet Lab and the Laboratory of Thin Film Technology at the University of Tartu. The high level of existing research groups will be enhanced by joint research on complex topics and thus the Estonian academic community will be stronger and more visible, both in the country and also worldwide. We will obtain the ability and skills to synthesize magnetoelectric nanomaterials that will open new possibilities for science and technology in Estonia.

Link to ETIS here.

Finished projects here.



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