Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometers

AVANCE-III-800MHz (connected with 18.8T magnet/ 54mm heat opening diameter), 4 probeheads for solution NMR: BBO (D/H/BB), TXI (D/H/C/N), DUL (D/H/C) and Cryoprobe (D/H/C/N/P) and an automatic sample changer for multiple measurements . A probehead for solid state NMR: DVT BL3.2 (H/X/Y) (Bruker, for 3.2mm rotors) and a MAS-NMR H/X probe head for 1.8mm rotors, made in NICPB.

AVANCE-II-600MHz (14.1T/51 mm) is the most employed probehead in solid state NMR. Additionally, we have at use a  MAS-NMR H/X probehead for 4×17 mm rotors ja 4x25mm rotors (currently at an experimental stage), cryoMAS probehead for 1.0mm rotors (operates in temperature ranges of 10K until 300K), a probehead for static samples and single crystal studies between 4.2K and 300K.

Agilent DD2 500 MHz (11.7T/51 mm) with 5 mm X{1H} DB PFG probehead (X = 15N…31P) for solution NMR experiments in the temperature region –80–130 °C. The spectrometer is equipped with a sample changer with 9 positions and an electrical sample cooler for automated work for temperatures above –25 °C.

AVANCE-II-360 MHz (8.5T/89 mm and 4.7T/89 mm) with probeheads that are tailored in NICPB for solid state NMR experiments, including cryoMAS (10–300 K) probehead for a 1.8×15 mm rotor, high temperature (300–1200 K) probehead for static samples and MAS-probehead for large 10 mm rotors.

Terahertz Spectroscopy and Low Temperature Physics facilities

THz spektromeeter SPS200 (Sciencetech) that can be used with two different measurement devices:

1) TeslaFIR – magnetic field of 0 …  +/- 17 T, with a 0.3K bolometer, measurement range 2.5 – 200cm–1, that enables the probe temperature to reach the temperature range 2.5-300K and measurements encompass reflection and transmission (Faraday and Voigt configuration),

2) milliK-TeslaFIR – magnetic field 0 … +/- 12T, with a 0.3K bolometer, measurement range 2.5 – 100cm–1, that enables to measure THz transmission in the temperature region of 150 mK kuni 5K.

Fourier’ spectrometer Vertex 80v (Bruker), equipped with two sample cryostats (‘cold finger’  5-400K, ‘exchange gas’ 2-300K) and allows for zero magnetic field measurements in the range of 10-50 000 cm–1 and transmission, reflections and ATR spectra.

Toptica Terascan 85O Continuous wave Teraherts Spectroscopy Platform with 2 DL DFB Lasers and GaAs Antennas for the temperature range of 5-400K.

Quantum Design PPMS: 14T magnet and temperature regime of 1.8-400K. Encompasses VSM magnetometer with an oven (kuni 1000K) and enables He-probe heat capacity measurements (down to 300mK), electric and thermal energy transport measurements. Equipped with Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM).

Brown’s glove box for preparing probes at inert conditions.

Helium station equipment

He liquefier CTi-1410 (1979) with piston detander working with two piston compressors, 20 kW each. Productivity: 20 l liquid He per hour using pure gas and 15 lph using impure recovered gas, which is prepurified during the same procedure.

Cryo Unit provides the maintenance and repairing of cryo and vacuum apparatus and devices as well.

The NICPB Helium station is the only one in the Baltic States and equips the University of Tartu and Tallinn University of Technology with liquid helium.

Nonlinear Spectroscopy femtosecond laser

The nonlinear optics lab employs a femtosecond pulsed excitation laser (PHAROS, Light Conversion UAB) combined with a optical parametric amplifier (Orpheus-HE, Light Conversion UAB) and second harmonic generator to produce < 150 fs pulses over a tunable wavelength range of 320 – 2600 nm, with an adjustable repetition rate ≤ 6 kHz. Typical pulse energies of 66 – 150 μJ are ideally suited for nonlinear optical spectroscopy techniques such as two-photon excited fluorescence (2PEF) in liquid samples.

Quantum Chemistry High Performance Computing Facility (QCHPCF)

HP 32-core server, equipped with two SL250 Intel E5-2660 SMP nodes, two NVIDIA Tesla K20X GPU-s. Total number of CUDA cores 5376

Organic Chemistry facilities

Fully equipped organic chemistry laboratory for synthesis and a Sartorius microbalance and GCMS spectrometer for routine analysis.

Energy Technologies facilities

For electrochemical measurements: Rotating disc electrode Origatrod equipped with Origalys speed control unit and rotator. Potentiostats – Gamry 1010E, Gamry 300, and AutoLab PGstat30.

For low temperature fuel cell testing: Fuel Cell Tester Smart II by WonaTech

High temperature electrochemical synthesis reactor

Tube Furnace ChengY1 CHY-1200

The Laboratory of Chemical Physics research facilities are a foundation for the Estonian Magnetic Laboratory.

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