Environmental Toxicology laboratory scientist Dr. Alla Khosrovyan on ERR clip series “Tähelepanu! Tegemist on teadusega!”

On Wednesday Dr. Alla Khosrovyan spoke on ETV’s ”Tegemist on teadusega” about the effects of microplastics on the mosquito Chironomus riparius. Plastic without chemicals and UV-degraded plastic, which is one of the most important ways of plastic degradation, were tested. The results showed that both types of plastic reduced the number of adult mosquitoes, but after three generations the number recovered. Although microplastics produced a short-term harmful effect, it cannot be confirmed it is completely safe, and further research is necessary. Fluctuations in mosquito populations affect the entire food chain, as they are an important food source for many fish.

ERR clip series “Tähelepanu! Tegemist on teadusega!” introduces the work of Estonian researchers in various fields and is broadcast every Wednesday at 20:55. Rewatch the clip here: https://etv.err.ee/1609337660/tahelepanu-tegemist-on-teadusega?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0VT-crO3Hgvbdme_F-5jydEgqmh00oRSWLgW0vVcX5MVCdVBJrGolDv8M_aem_AY9YFxvTIyms9vm1m2_jCVLm9vFDEeMxGvnm-S9U2SqYJtaTzl6Shra9ObtbHNx2x-IMbSFe0xzsSZ1hpCBekfyc 

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