
  1. Tepp K., Timohhina N., Klepinin A.S., I., Chekulayev V., Kaambre T.

    Bioenergetic regulation of cardiac muscle: from postnatal period to senescence- structure-function relationship. Myogenesis: Molecular and Cellular Networks (2015), (Gordon Research Conferences)

  2. Shevchuk I., Koit A., Kaldma A., Chekulayev V., Klepinin A., Ounpuu L., Timohhina N., Tepp K., Kutner R., Heck K., Valvere V., Kaambre T.

    Quantitative characterization of respiratory parameters of human colorectal and breast cancer clinical material. 11th MiPconference on Mitochondrial Physiology (2015), (MiPsociety), pp 28-29.

  3. Tepp K., Klepinin A., Timohhina N., Chekulayev V., Shevchuk I., Kaambre T.

    hanges in energy transfer regulation during development and aging. 11th MiPconference on Mitochondrial Physiology (2015), (MiPsociety), pp 76-77.

  4. Shevchuk I., Kaldma A., Chekulayev V., Klepinin A., Ounpuu L., Timohhina N., Tepp K., Heck K., Valvere V., Kaambre T.

    Analysis of energy fluxes in colorectal cancer saponin skinned tissues and Caco-2 cells. 11th MiPconference on Mitochondrial Physiology (2015), (MiPsociety), pp 35-36.

  5. Ounpuu L., Klepinin A., Mado K., Chekulayev V., Timohhina N., Shevchuk I., Tepp K., Kaambre T.

    The regulation of mitochondrial respiration in neuroblastoma cells. Perspectives in environmental and systems biology (2015), p 65.

  6. Klepinin A., Kaldma A., Chekulayev V., Mado K., Shevchuk I., Timohhina N., Tepp K., Kandashvili M., Koit A., Heck K., Truu L., Planken A., Kaambre T.

    Rearrangement of cellular phosphotransfer networks during human colorectal cancer formation. Perspectives in environmental and systems biology (2015), p 18.

  7. Chekulayev V., Mado K., Shevchuk I., Koit A., Kaldma A., Klepinin A., Timohhina N., Tepp K., Kandashvili M., Ounpuu L., Heck K., Truu L., Planken A., Valvere V., Kaambre T.

    Metabolic remodeling in human colorectal cancer and surrounding tissues: alterations in regulation of mitochondrial respiration and metabolic fluxes. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports (2015), 4:111-125.

  8. Shevchuk I., Chekulayev V., Kaldma A., Koit A., Timohhina N., Tepp K., Mado K., Kaambre T.

    Quantitative analysis of the bioenergetic profile of human malignancies: why and how. Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Integrating Metabolism and Tumor Biology (2015), (Silverthorne, Colorado, USA), p 91.

  9. Shevchuk I., Kaldma A., Mado K., Klepinin A., Chekulayev V., Timohhina N., Tepp K., Koit A., Heck K., Truu L., Kaambre T.

    In-situ assessment of main energy-producing systems of human colorectal cancer cells. Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Integrating Metabolism and Tumor Biology (2015), (Silverthorne, Colorado, USA), p 114.

  10. Guzun R., Kaambre T., Bagur R., Grichine A., Usson Y., Varikmaa M., Anmann T., Tepp K., Timohhina N., Shevchuk I., Chekulayev V., Boucher F., Dos Santos P., Schlattner U., Wallimann T., Kuznetsov A.V., Dzeja P., Aliev M., Saks V.

    Modular organization of cardiac energy metabolism: energy conversion, transfer and feedback regulation. Acta physiologica (2015), 213(1):84-106.
