Aruoja, V., Dubourguier, H.-C., Kasemets, K., and Kahru, A. (2009) Toxicity of nanoparticles of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 to microalgae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Science of the Total Environment 407, 1461-1468.


Ivask, A., Rõlova, T., and Kahru, A. (2009) A suite of recombinant luminescent bacterial strains for the quantification of bioavailable heavy metals and toxicity testing, BMC Biotechnology 9, 41.


Kahru, A. (2009) Parem karta kui kahetseda. Tarkade Klubi 12, 32-33.


Kahru, A. (2009) Uued materjalid – kas ka uued ohud? Nanoosakesed. Keskkonnatehnika 5, 8-14.


Kasemets, K., Ivask, A., Dubourguier, H.-C., and Kahru, A. (2009) Toxicity of nanoparticles of ZnO, CuO and TiO2 to yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Toxicology in Vitro 23, 1116-1122.


Sihtmäe, M., Dubourguier, H.-C., and Kahru, A. (2009) Toxicological information on chemicals published in the Russian language: Contribution to REACH and 3Rs, Toxicology 262, 27-37.

Aruoja, V., Sihtmäe, M., Kahru, A., and Dubourguier, H.-C. (2009) Effect of substituents on the ecotoxicity of anilines and phenols, Toxicology Letters 189, S192-S192.


Sihtmäe, M., Dubourguier, H.-C., and Kahru, A. (2009) E-SovTox – a web-database on selected publicly available (eco)toxicity data published in Russian language. In: ALTEX-Alternatives to Animal Experimentation: Abstracts 7th World Congress Rome 2009, Vol. 26, Special Issue, pp. 92.

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